Repository | Serials | Series | Volumes
Primitive money, modern money
Vol. 130
Jean-Joseph Goux
Origins of order in evolution
Stuart A. Kauffman
Perception, connectionism, and cognitive science
Christine Skarda
Optimization in question
John Dupré
Incorporating origins into evolutionary theory
Daniel R. Brooks
Whence perceptual meaning?
Francisco Varela
The evolution of generic forms
Brian C. Goodwin
Understanding origins
Jean-Pierre DupuyFrancisco Varela
Is phylogeny recapitulating ontogeny?
Susan Oyama
René Girard
Supplement to apocalypse
Andrew J. McKenna
A morphogenetic hypothesis on the closure of post-structuralism
Paul Dumouchel
Girard and the origin of culture
Paisley Livingston
The original and the copy
Umberto Eco
The origin of money
André Orléan
Hempel, Carnap, and the covering law model
Vol. 273
Erich Reck(University of California Riverside)
The Berlin group and the USA
Nicholas Rescher
Ernst Cassirer, Kurt Lewin, and Hans Reichenbach
Jeremy Heis
Genidentity and topology of time
Flavia Padovani
Paul Oppenheim on order—the career of a logico-philosophical concept
Paul Ziche Thomas Müller
The third man
Volker Peckhaus
The Berlin group and the Vienna circle
Nikolay Milkov
Everybody has the right to do what he wants
Andreas Kamlah
Carl Hempel
J. F. Fries' philosophy of science, the new Friesian school and the Berlin group
Helmut Pulte
"Demonstrations", not "deductions"
Temilo van Zantwijk
Dubislav and Bolzano
Anita Kasabova
Gestalt, equivalency, and functional dependency
Arkadiusz Chrudzimski
Did Reichenbach anticipate quantum mechanical indeterminism?
Michael Stöltzner
Dubislav and classical monadic quantificational logic
Christian Thiel
The journalist, the scientist, and objectivity
Vol. 310
Peter Galison
Objectivity for sciences from below
Sandra Harding
The ethos of critique in German idealism
Joan Steigerwald
The physiology of the sense organs and early neo-Kantian conceptions of objectivity
Scott Edgar
Jonathan Y. Tsou Alan Richardson Flavia Padovani
Seeing and hearing
Paolo Savoia
Objectivities in print
Alex Csiszar
Objectivity, intellectual virtue, and community
Moira Howes
A plurality of pluralisms
Alison Wylie
The view from here and there
Judy Z. Segal
Let's not talk about objectivity
Ian Hacking
The evolving notion and role of Kuhn's incommensurability thesis
Vol. 311
James A Marcum
An analysis of truth in Kuhn's philosophical enterprise
William J. Devlin
The rationality of science in relation to its history
Sherrilyn Roush
From theory choice to theory search
Rogier De LanghePeter Rubbens
Kuhn and the historiography of science
Alexander Bird
Kuhn's development before and after structure
Paul Hoyningen-Huene
Kuhn's structure
Steven Shapin
Reconsidering the Carnap-Kuhn connection
Jonathan Y. Tsou
From troubled marriage to uneasy colocation
Alan Richardson
Walking the line
Michela Massimi
William J. DevlinAlisa Bokulich
Can science make peace with the environment?
Vol. 312
Angelo Baracca
Einstein and Hilbert
John Stachel
Concepts out of theoretical contexts
Theodore ArabatzisNancy J. Nersessian
Ana SimõesTheodore ArabatzisJürgen Renn
The meaning of hypostasis in diophantus' arithmetica
Jean Christianidis
Different undertakings, common practices
Ana Simões
Boscovich in Britain
J. L. Heilbron
Louis Paul Cailletet, the liquefaction of oxygen and the emergence of an "in-between discipline"
Faidra Papanelopoulou
At the center and the periphery
Lorraine Daston
The internal-external distinction sheds light on the history of the twentieth-century philosophy of science
Gürol Irzik
Lindemann and Einstein
Robert Fox
Quantum chemistry and the quantum revolution
Sam SchweberGal BenPorat
Centers and peripheries revisited
Agustí Nieto-Galan
Curating the European university
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger
Neo-hellenic enlightenment
Manolis Patiniotis
The non-introduction of low-temperature physics in Spain
José M. Sánchez-Ron
Reductionism and the relation between chemistry and physics
Hasok Chang
The global and the local in the study of the humanities
Rivka Feldhay
On scientific biography and biographies of scientists
Helge Kragh
The history of science and the globalization of knowledge
Jürgen Renn
On the hazardousness of the concept "technology"
Aristotle Tympas
Probable reasoning and its novelties
Wireless at the bar
Stathis Arapostathis
Charity, logic, and para-clericalism
Vol. 325
Maurice A. Finocchiaro
The legends of one methodology of science used throughout its history and its independence from the institutions in which science has been conducted
John Wettersten
How can we attain both democracy and constitutionalism?
Kiichi Tachibana
Civil nationalism
Chen Yehezkely
The mystique of computer technology and the waning of critical enquiry
Sheldon Richmond
Why don't scientists respect philosophers?
Mario Bunge
Reflections on science and imagination
Robert S Cohen
Obstructing the realization of civil responsibility
Chemi Ben-Noon
Towards a general sociology of science
Ian Jarvie
Feng shui
Michael R. Matthews
Ebola in West Africa
Daniel Cohen
The secular problem of evil
John Kekes
What is the problem?
William Berkson
Ilkka Niiniluoto
Critical rationalism in sociology
Michael Banton
Joseph Agassi from metaphysics to politics
Christopher R. Donohue
The pitfall of hypostatization and the reality of social things
Fred EidlinBarry Eidlin
Comprehensively critical metapolitics
Michael Chiariello
On being a Popperian economist
Lawrence A. Boland
Two philosophical contributions to modern physics
Jagdish Hattiangadi
Evaluative selection in multimerit situations
Notes on revisiting Klappholz and Agassi's "methodological prescriptions in economics"
Lucien Foldes
Lessons from the philosophy of science to data mining and vice versa
Abraham Meidan
Capitalism at a crossroad
Raphael Sassower
Joseph Agassi, the m2t seminar, and his influence on my work
Richard G. Lipsey
Francis Bacon, Karl Popper, Michael Polanyi, and modern experimental biology
Ute Deichmann
Joe Agassi, intellectual irritant
Rafe Champion
Beyond wavefunctions
Yakir AharonovEliahu CohenAvshalom C. Elitzur
Dungeons and dragons
Joan Bailey
Critical rationalism applied
Margaret Ng
Horror dogmatis
Zuzana Parusniková
Drive around the block
Charles Sawyer
En route to the siblinghood of humanity?
Miriam Farhi Rodrig
Worker bees and slave labor
Hilde Hein
The story of the German translation of Tarski's book on truth
Jan Woleński(Jagellonian University)
The perfect mediator and his limitations
Sapir Handelman
Joseph Agassi's educational thoughts in interchange (1970–1987)
Ian S. Winchester
To transcend the Popper-Agassi impasse
Nathaniel Laor
Can the Israeli academia replace mandatory conscription?
Amir Meital
Critical rationalism as therapy
Michael Segre
Jacob & Esau today
Malachi Hacohen
Education for democracy
Ronald Swartz