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Palgrave Macmillan
The politics of space
Miles Kennedy
Monika SzubaJulian Wolfreys
"The wider rootedness"
Monika Szuba
Location and destination in Alasdair MacMhaighstir Alasdair's "The birlinn of clanranald"
Alan Riach
Space, time, and the articulation of a place in the world
Felix Ó Murchadha
Troubled inheritances in R. L. Stevenson's Kidnapped and Conan Doyle's "The adventure of the Priory school"
Tom Ue
Take the weather with you
Julian Wolfreys
From dramatic space to narrative place
Paul Barnaby
The empty places
John Brannigan
"Keep looking, even when there's nothing much to see"
Ewa Chodnikiewicz
Bill Richardson
Greenock-outer space
Jessica Aliaga Lavrijsen
Symbol, situatedness, and the individuality of literary space
"Under the saltire flag"
Bartosz Wójcik
Mapping, not the map
A world of islands
Alexandra Campbell
Bridging gaps; building Bridges
Christiane Schönfeld Ulf Strohmayer
From "pictish artemis' to "tay moses"
Robin MacKenzie
Spatiality, place, and displacement in two gaelic songs
Lillis Ó Laoire
Glaswegian and Dundonian
Aniela Korzeniowska
Lips in language and space
Paul Carter
The space of language and the place of literature
Paolo Bartoloni
Dreaming well-being into being
Karen Le Rossignol
Between a rock and no place
Conn Holohan
Op weg naar Broxeele
Catherine Emerson