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A reply to professor Albert Shalom
Janusz Kuczyński
A universalist vision of mankind
Janusz KuczyńskiMaciej Łęcki
Co-creation of the sense of new history
Janusz KuczyńskiMaciej ŁęckiLech Petrowicz
Comments on A. Mercier's "does science coincide with our knowledge about nature?"
Vol. 3/1
Creation and continuity (an interview with professor Władysław Tatarkiewicz)
Dialogues of cultures, science and technology
Homo creator
Homo creator vs. homo contemplator
Vol. 2/3
Janusz KuczyńskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Man as the unique creator of sense
Man, technological praxis and nature in the perspective of dialectical synthesis
Marxism, lay culture, Christianity
Janusz KuczyńskiJacek Hołówka
Philosophical problems of the world peace movement (an interview with Howard l. Parsons, member of the world peace council presidential committee)
The concretisation of socialism
The meaning/sense of the word — the meaning/sense of being
The national question and real humanism
The presence of the philosopher
The results of the world congress of philosophy in montreal and the tasks of the world community of philosophers
The sense of existence
To elevate the world
Universalism as a metaphilosophy of the new peace movement