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Historicism and Marxist humanism
Vol. 1
Marek Fritzhand
A priori knowledge in Kant vs. a priori knowledge in Husserl
Roman Witold Ingarden
Notions and problems of general methodology and the methodology of practical sciences
Tadeusz Kotarbiński
Idealism and dialectics in the young Lukács's philosophy of history
Stanisław Kozyr-Kowalski
Ethical system of humanism
Romuald JezierskiWitold Kmiecik
Social consciousness and historical process in Rosa Luxemburg's writings
Janina Wojnar-Sujecka
Eschatology and revolution
Leszek TurekRóża Jabłkowska
Aesthetic experience
Władysław Tatarkiewicz
Environmental medicine and the philosophy of environmental protection
Julian AleksandrowiczMaria Paczyńska
Truth in science
Tadeusz Czeżowski
On human creative activity
Zdzislaw CackowskiDobrosław Lachowicz
The definition and application of tools in scientific cognition
Jerzy SzymańskiAleksander Trop-Kryński
Hegel's logic in the light of graph theory
Adam Synowiecki
Integration of science from the methodological point of view
Maria Kokoszyńska
The definition of the notion of "praxis' in Karl Marx's philosophy
Tadeusz M. JaroszewskiLech Petrowicz
Three models of the history of dialectics
Władysław Stróżewski
On philosophical foundations of Copernicus' heliocentric system
Mieczysław MarkowskiMaria Hennek-Prokopiuk
Apriori-knowledge in Kant vs. apriori-knowledge in Husserl
Responsible belief
Vol. 10/4
G. B. Keene
Lech Łukomski, Twórca filozofii absolutnej
Bohdan Urbankowski
The general concept of plan
The philosophy of history — hopes and expectations
Jan Szczepański
The results of the world congress of philosophy in montreal and the tasks of the world community of philosophers
Janusz Kuczyński
Copernicus the humanist
Edward Rosen
The English version of Nicholas Copernicus complete works (1972 - 1984 [?])
Erna Hilfstein
The thermodynamical death of the universe
Irena Lachman-Szumilewicz
Helmut Gollwitzer, Was ist Religion?
Andrzej Kaniowski
Quantum mechanics and the structure of physical theories
Marek Bielecki
Some remarks on freedom and structure in social theory
Adriaan Peperzak
The man in and against the world
Bogdan Suchodolski
The notion of suffering in buddhism and Marxism
Ashok Vohra
New ethics — desideratum of reason and task of higher education
Dietrich Böhler
Sensibility in the experience of god
Gert Hummel
Human nature and the problem of remolding man
Tsung-I Dow
Theo Bungarten (ed.), Wissenschaftssprache, Beiträge zur Methodologie, theoretischen Fundierung und Deskription
Witold Marciszewski
The present meaning of the idea of rationality
Vol. 11/2-3
Zbigniew Kuderowicz
On definitions
Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz
Models of rationality in physics
Jan Such
The problem of induction
Defensive reactions of Polish professional philosophy to irrationalism in the early 20th century
Stanislaw Borzym
The idea of rationality of human actions in Marxism
Barbara Tuchanska
The dialectics of rationalism
Cezary Rowiński
Global philosophy as a foundation of global peace
Henryk Skolimowski
Rationalism and metaraiionalism
Culture and human deviancy
Venant Cauchy
On ultimate justification
Narcyz Łubnicki
Rationality as a value
Klemens Szaniawski
Rationalism and the certainty of knowledge
Jan Woleński(Jagellonian University)
Platonian rationalism as expressed in Leibniz's program for science
Science, technology and spiritual values
Vol. 14/3
Bienvenido F. Nebres
Customising progress
Gregory Blue
Science, technology and the historicity of Reason
Jean Ladrière
Can scientists be spiritual humanists?
Hervé Carrier
Hassan Hanafi
Dialogues of cultures, science and technology
Kinhide Mushakoji
The role of the individual in cosmologies — equality and solidarity
The challenge of spiritual values to science and technology
Michael Mutsuo Yanase
Historical acausality
Yoichiro P. Murakami
About science in modern Western culture
Lucien Morten
Setting up the socio-technical integration
Klaus Haefner
Traditional Western value from Asian perspective
Zhao Fu San
The avoidance of otherness
Kuniko Miyanaga
Changes in social structures of the Central and East European countries
Vol. 16/2
Andrzej Werblan
Whither the way?
Andrzej Wohl
Adam Schaff and the club of Rome
Alexander King
Some aspects of the methodology of comparative research in politics
Jerzy Wiatr
The club of Rome and the Vienna centre
Pierre Feldheim
Remembering and recreating the classic
Pablo González Casanova
The social humanism of Adam Schaff
Helio Jaguaribe
Der Kapitalismus verletzt die Menschenrechte
Arnold Künzli
The philosophical implications of the use of the new information technologies
Józef Niżnik
Universalism as a metaphilosophy of the new peace movement
Admonitions to Poland
The evolution of the Chinese concept of culture
Krzysztof Gawlikowski
Evolution in nature development in society
Ervin Laszlo
Considerations on preparation of societies for life in peace
Shingo Shibata
War, omnicide and sanity
John Somerville
The problem of bureaucracy in a socialist state
Sylwester Zawadzki
Is Marxism an atheism?
The dialectics of peace education
Anatol Rapoport
The Marxist critique of phenomenology
Vol. 2/4
David Rasmussen
The concepts of "nation" and 'state" in Polish historical thought in the nineteenth century
Vol. 2/3
Marian H. Serejski
Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz (in commemoration of the ninetieth anniversary of his birth)
Jan W SarnaMaciej Łęcki
A presentist interpretation of the unity and plurality of being according to st. Thomas
Józef BorgoszAleksandra Rodzińska
Tadeusz Pawłowski, Metodologiczne zagadnienia humanistyki (methodological problems in the humanities)
Tadeusz Pawłowski
Ingarden and artistic creativity
William Hamrick
The "between"
David Martin
From "sacrum imperium" to the "technopolis" of the future
Janina JakubowskaTadeusz PłużańskiLech Petrowicz
Conflicts of humanism
Bogdan SuchodolskiMaciej Łęcki
National and internationalist aspects of Marxist philosophy
Józef Borgosz
In the service of philosophy
Leon Gumański
Position of self-structure in a cognitive system and prosocial orientation
Janusz Reykowski
Phenomenology and ethics
E. Y. Soloviov
Beauty and its socio-psychological determinants
Sources of general problems concerning the efficiency of actions
Tadeusz KotarbińskiLech Petrowicz
Mirosław Nowaczyk, Filozofia a historia religii we włoszech 1873—1973 (philosophy and the history of religion in Italy between 1873 and 1973).
Janusz Kuczyński, Indywidualność i ojczyzna, filozoficzna problematyka kWestii narodowej
Bronisław Gołębiowski
Remarks concerning the development mechanism of historical sciences (continuity and variability)
Celina Bobińska
Roman Ingarden's theory of value of the work of art in the light of Marxist aesthetics
Bohdan Dziemidok
Antoni Kępiński, Melancholia
Barbara Gradzik
The problem of the relation of philosophy to special sciences as discussed in Cracow in the period 1944—1974
Zbigniew KuderowiczMaciej Łęcki
Dynamic culturology of Florian Znaniecki
Maksymilian PacholskiBarbara Leś
The 1975 linguistic institute of the linguistic society of America
Jacek Juliusz Jadacki
Ingarden's phases, Bergson's durée réelle, and William James' stream
John Fizer
Philosophical and general methodological problems of the investigation of the human environment
Zdzisław CackowskiArtur Blaim
The activistic conception of historical process
Jerzy Topolski
Tadeusz Szczurkiewicz's critique of sociological reason
Stanisław Kozyr-KowalskiLech Petrowicz
The concept of poetry
Problems and methods of the psychology of philosophizing
Józef PieterZiemisław Zienkiewicz
On Ingarden's account of the existence of aesthetic objects
Peter McCormick
Główne pojęcie materializmu historycznego
Zdzisław Cackowski
Seweryn Żurawicki, Problemy prognozowania ekonomicznego
Seweryn Żurawicki
Marxism and the hermeneutic tradition
Marek Jan SiemekLech Petrowicz
On the sources of the vitality of classical sociopolitical conceptions in China
Krzysztof GawlikowskiLech Petrowicz
Homo creator vs. homo contemplator
Janusz KuczyńskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Several comments on the trends and breakthroughs in Polish historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries (a contribution to the theory of the development of historical science)
Jerzy MaternickiAleksandra Rodzińska
Roman Ingarden's philosophical legacy and beyond
Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
The power of materialist dialectics
Manfred Buhr
Polish scientists in search of a model of the integration of sciences
Jan J. Sławianowski
The national question and real humanism
Ingarden's world of values
Maria Gołaszewska
On Ingarden's conception of "pure" epistemology as a starting point to his criticism of so-called psychophysiological epistemology
Michał Hempoliński
The philosophy of Roman Ingarden in a critical light
Max Rieser
Roman Ingarden's works published by the Polish scientific publishers
Danuta Petsch
Crucial problems in personality theories
Kazimierz ObuchowskiMaciej Łęcki
August Cieszkowski's philosophical works of 1838—1842 within the intellectual context of their times
Andrzej Walicki
Philosophy and our times (an interview with academician Sava Ganovski, president of the ifps)
Sava Ganovski
The conceptions of nation in the Polish romantic messianism
Andrzej WalickiMaciej Łęcki
Florian Znaniecki's views of technological civilization
Jan SzczepańskiAntoni Szymanowski
Roman Ingarden's phenomenology of literature
K. M. Dolgov
Philosophical publications in the "myśli i ludzie" (ideas and people) series of the Wiedza powszechna publishers
Stanisław Jedynak
An analysis of Ingarden's distinction between the literary work of art and its related branches of art
Jon Nygaard
Ingarden's way to realism and his idea of man
Andrzej Półtawski
Objectivation, values and sociological knowledge
A. Bogomolov
Marxism and phenomenology in contemporary Italian philosophy
Andrzej NowickiElżbieta Margul
Speculative remarks on physics in general and relativity in particular
André Mercier
Humanism and naturalism in the history of Marxist philosophy
Kazimierz OchockiLech Petrowicz
Some remarks concerning David Rasmussen's "the Marxist critique of phenomenology"
Jerzy Łoziński
On the structure of the person
Albert Shalom
A touch of animism
Vol. 3/1
S. C. Thakur
Sculpture and place
Comments on S. Chakravarti's "praxis and nature"
Howard L. Parsons
The present and the middle ages
Mieczysław GogaczAleksandra Rodzińska
Władysław Tatarkiewicz as a historian of art
Jan BiałostockiMaciej Łęcki
Comments on S. C. Thakur's "a touch of animism"
Radko K. Jánský
Discussion on mediocentricism
Zdzisław KuksewiczLech Petrowicz
Nature and human praxis in Karl Marx
Andrzej N. Woźnicki
Seinsgebundenheit der Erkenntnis und phänomenologische Kritik
Gerhard Funke
Informational aesthetics
Progress and nature
Margaret Chatterjee
Labour, creative work and the problems of the development of personality
V. I. Shinkaruk
Władysław Tatarkiewicz as a historian of philosophy
Nature and individuality
Jerzy Kuncewicz
L'art authentique et la dissolution de l'art comme phénomène culturel
Marcel Breazu
Comments on A. Mercier's "does science coincide with our knowledge about nature?"
Freedom and necessity
Zdzisław CackowskiLech Petrowicz
Catholic mediocentricism
Andrzej KasiaMaciej Łęcki
The new sensibility of the 1960s
Harold Osborne
Conceptual determination of aesthetic experience
Karl Aschenbrenner
The two paradoxes of induction
Jan Srzednicki
Man, technological praxis and nature in the perspective of dialectical synthesis
Janusz KuczyńskiMaciej Łęcki
A gloss to "mediocentricism"
Two hermeneutical circuits
Adrian MarinoAlexandra Bley-Vroman
Creation and continuity (an interview with professor Władysław Tatarkiewicz)
Relationship between consciousness and being
P. N. Fedoseyev
Universalité et changement humain du monde
Dušan Nedeljković
Roman Ingarden's critique of transcendental constitution
Karol Tarnowski
Władysław Tatarkiewicz — a philosopher of the highest values
Jerzy Pelc James Leech
Socialist humanisim and the problem of creation
Dalimir Hajko
Biopsychic aspects of anthropogenesis
The individual's autonomy and personality
Husserl's transcendental subject
Camilla Wamke
On the problem of the relation between Marxism and phenomenology
Jerzy Lozinski
Gandhi — the moralist and politician
Ija Lazari-Pawłowska
Karol Tamowski
Some comparative aspects of the Indian and Western traditions of formal logic
Douglas D. Daye
Report on the second international conference to be held at Siantiniketan on 7th to 10th January, 1976
Santosh Chandra Sengupta
Conclusions from the experiences of the modernists
Władysław LorancJames Leech
Musica e danza
Augusto Guzzo
Praxis and nature
Satindranath Chakravarti
Nature and freedom
Kalidas Bhattacharyya
Camilla Warnke
Freedom and nature
Steven T. Katz
Agnieszka Kowalska-Soni
Towards an open dialectic
Bernhard Waldenfels(Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Does science coincide with our knowledge about nature?
Philosophical perspectivism and the rigours of dialectics
Stanisław CzerniakAleksandra Rodzińska
On the problems of the relation between Marxism and phenomenology
Władysław Tatarkiewicz as a historian of aesthetics
Alicja KuczyńskaLech Petrowicz
On the philosophy of development through positive disintegration and secondary integration
Kazimierz Dąbrowski
Is the artist really necessary?
Cyril Barrett
The ease and difficulty of theory
John Fisher
Creative elements in the work of a humanist
Vol. 4/2
Jan BiałostockiAleksandra Rodzińska
An analysis anid cnitique of the new industrial society conceptions
Witold MorawskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Person as a unique universal social being
Mihailo Marković
Homo creator
Experience and the material unity of the world
Contemporary social democracy (the evolution of theory and policies)
Janusz W. Gołębiowski
Scientific theory and artistic experiment
Grzegorz BiałkowskiAleksandra Rodzińska
An interdisciplinary conference on creativity
J. Krakowiak
Conflict and the economical paradigm
László Garai
On "experience and the material unity of the world" (discussion)
Antoni B. StępieńJarosław SzczepańskiJan CzerkawskiZdzisław CackowskiLech Petrowicz
World of ideas of György Lukács
Kazimierz Slęczka
Maria Ossowska as a moral scientist
Friedrich Nietzsche
Władysław KaniowskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Comments on the relative nature of time
Andrzej Siciński
Art as a form of human relatedness
Alicja KuczyńskaMaciej Łęcki
The socialist way of life as a theoretical problem
Marek FritzhandAleksandra Rodzińska
The philosophies of wieman and Marx compared and contrasted
Creativity as the self-realization of man's potential — the supreme value of man
Vol. 5/4
The sense of existence
Vol. 5/3
Toward a further concretization of the Christian-Marxist dialogue
Józef BorgoszLech Petrowicz
Study of literature. dialogue. ideology
Vol. 5/1
Bogdan Owczarek
Ethical issues from an international perspective
Tadeusz Tomaszewski
Creativity — reality
Bogdan SuchodolskiLech Petrowicz
A reply to professor Albert Shalom
Aristotle's perspectives on human technical work
Constantine Georgiadis
Creativity in the new environment
Henri Van Lier
Marxism, lay culture, Christianity
Janusz KuczyńskiJacek Hołówka
Man's creative activity
Thoughts about creativity
Creativity and social life
Herman Johan Heering
Discussion as a factor in scientific creation
M. G. Yaroshevsky
The Polish approach to human rights
Marian Dobrosielski
Creating and discovering
Władysław TatarkiewiczMaciej Łęcki
Revaluation of romanticism
Bohdan UrbankowskiLech Petrowicz
Philosophy in the system of world views
Transcendentalism and history — a dialogue between the Christian philosophy and the present time
V. I. Garadja
Kuhn on scientific creativity
Frank Cunningham
Scientific creativity as an aesthetic activity
Erwin Marquit
Enactment, transformation and identity of self
Bruce Wilshire
The conference of the editors of philosophical and sociological journals from socialist countries
Janusz Stawiński
The reception of the personalism of Mounier in Poland
Janusz ZabłockiAleksandra Rodzińska
On the history of the Christian-Marxist dialogue in Poland
Stanisław KowalczykLech Petrowicz
Ethics and mental health
Jan JaroszyńskiMaciej Łęcki
W. DegaM. SokołowskaJ. HołówkaT. KielanowskiF. Olędzki
Individuality and creativity
Jan SzczepańskiLech Petrowicz
A turn in the catholic interpretation of work
Wiesław MysłekLech Petrowicz
Creative interchange
Creighton Peden
The philosophy of work as an area of Christian-Marxist dialogue
Józef WołkowskiLech Petrowicz
Creativity and the dialectic of subject and object
Chikatsugu Iwasaki
Situations as the reference of propositions
Bogusław Wolniewicz
The problem of the person
Suffering and human values
Józef Kozielecki
The concretisation of socialism
The basis of cooperation and dialogue
Mieczysław F. Rakowski
Education for a creative way of life
Zbigniew PietrasińskiAleksandra Rodzińska
The concept of creativity in Marx
A letter to professor Janusz Kuczynski on the Christian-Marxist dialogue
Ethics and the concept of mental health
Marek FritzhandMaciej Łęcki
Philosophical problems of the world peace movement (an interview with Howard l. Parsons, member of the world peace council presidential committee)
Dialogics and the pragmatic theory of dialogue
Eugeniusz Czaplejewicz
Management of scientific and technological progress
J. M. Gvishiani
The social roots of egalitarianism
Vol. 6/4
Ernest Gellner
Creativity and science
Radovan Richta
Science for progress and science for existence
Vol. 6/2
Bogdan SuchodolskiStefan Piekarczyk
The continuity and discontinuity of human cognition
Zdzisław CackowskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Towards a frugal economy
Science and peace
Vol. 6/1
The specificity of human activity (mediacy, problematization, symbolization)
Justice and equality
R. M.Richard Mervyn Hare
Policy and planning priorities for the third world
Dhirendra Sharma
The creativity of the common people
Diethart Kerbs
The acquisition of technology in the 19th and 20th centuries by the underdeveloped countries
Eugeniusz OlszewskiLudwik Wiewiórkowski
The doctrine of Jihad in Islam and its contemporary interpretation
Tadeusz FryzełLech Petrowicz
Some remarks on controlling the processes of the scientific and technological revolution
Lech W. ZacherIwona Dąbrowska
Karol Wojtyła's social thought
Mirosław NowaczykLech Petrowicz
Bruno on the morality of the inhabitants of the infinite universe and on the cognitive passion of copernicus
Waldemar VoiséAntoni Szymanowski
The creative process as an act
Arja Merikallio
Hope, creativity, appropriation
Thomas Langan
Topical problems considered in the Bulgarian journal "philosophical thought"
Sarkis Sarkisyan
Tadeusz Kościuszko — the Polish enlightenment thinker
Józef Żuraw
Physics and the scientific and technological revolution
Andrzej TrautmanLech Petrowicz
On creative activity
Andrzej Góralski
The concepts of development and progress in Marxism
Janina Wojnar-SujeckaAleksandra Rodzińska
Creativity in art
Maria Kuncewicz
Philosophical and historical premises of creativity
Creativity — contemporary civilization — the future of mankind
Ettore Gelpi
The scientific and technological revolution in the light of historical materialist theory
Tadeusz M. JaroszewskiStefan Piekarczyk
Wojciech Pomykalo, Kształtowanie ideału wychowawczego w prl w latach 1944—1976
Creativity and the sciences
William S. Minor
Development and humanization in the thought of Teilhard de Chardin and its reception in Poland
Czesław S. Bartnik
Władysław Krajewski, Konieczność, przypadek, prawo statystyczne
Władysław Krajewski
The other
Jan SzczepańskiElżbieta Foeller
A few remarks on the socialist way of life and moral problems
Henryk JankowskiJan MalanowskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Prolegomena to a discussion on the meaning of history
Czesław S. BartnikAleksandra Rodzińska
Fifth meeting of young Marxist philosophers
Jerzy Jachowicz
Biology in the age of the scientific and technological revolution
Adam UrbanekIrina Bagajewa
Man as the unique creator of sense
Contractarian justice
Jacek Hołówka
Science and technology
Anthropological aspects of creativity
To elevate the world
A joint philosophical colloquium on "man and creativity praxis — consciousness — contemplation"
What is the meaning of tolerance at a time of cultural Diversity?
Absolute relational time
Zdzisław Augustynek
Stratification, equaility and justice
Włodzimierz Wesołowski
The dead sea scrolls — a testimony of social ideas of the antiquity
Witold Tyloch
Faustic and ludic visions of the scientific and technological revolution
Józef BorgoszTomasz Przestępski
On the origin of the July-August strikes in Poland (an inteiview with professor Wladyslaw Markiewicz)
Vol. 7/3
Jacek MaziarskiLech Petrowicz
Witold Mackiewicz, Brzozowski
Vol. 7/2
Witold Mackiewicz
Science and the meaning of being human
Ramakant Sinari
Moral perfection
The way of life as a category of historical materialism
Perfection in the sciences
Józef Żuraw, Myśl filozoficzna i społeczna Tadeusza Kościuszki
On the philosophy of Juliusz Słowacki
Bohdan UrbankowskiAleksandra Rodzińska
Paradoxes of perfection
Vol. 7/1
Creativity in art and in life
The paths and tasks of modern philosophy
Stanisław BrzozowskiAleksandra Rodzińska
In response to the challenge of the age
Reception and the recipient in literary studies
Henryk Markiewicz
Polish political culture in the 19th century
Stejan KieniewiczAleksandra Rodzińska
A postulate for an integral image of national history in Polish historiography in the years 1918—1939
Morality and the dialogue between humanisms
Tadeusz ŚlipkoJoseph Czarnecki
The meaning and value of life
Tadeusz CzeżowskiTomasz Przestępski
On the ubiquity of violence
Janusz StawińskiLech Petrowicz
The value of man
Jan SzczepańskiStefan Piekarczyk
Principalism and situationalism in ethics
Ija Lazari-PawłowskaStefan Piekarczyk
Society and culture today conference of editors in Romania
Józef TejchmaLech Petrowicz
A new interpretation of Marxism
Andrzej WalickiAleksandra Rodzińska
Co-creation of the sense of new history
Janusz KuczyńskiMaciej ŁęckiLech Petrowicz
A universalist vision of mankind
Who is Przybyszewski?
Maria KuncewiczowaEdward Rothert
On time travel
Timo Airaksinen
Marx, Engels and the Polish question
The meaning/sense of the word — the meaning/sense of being
Wandering toward theatre of sources
Jerzy GrotowskiJenny Kumiega
The meaning of "the meaning of life"
On montaigne — somewhat differently
Józef HenElżbieta Foeller
Creativity in scientific thought — in search of an algorithm
Jerzy Z. Hubert
Aristotle or Bruegel
Wilfrid Desan
Individualism or collectivism
Marek FritzhandLech Petrowicz
Art and morality
Between discovery and masterpiece
On natural evolution (an interview with Stanisław Lem)
Zhianiew TaranienkoMaciej Łęcki
Ideology and the question of "value-free" science
John Hoffman
Past, present, future
The traditions of preparation for life in peace in Polish philosophical and social though
Introductory note
Ettore Gelpi on lifelong education
The foundations of social knowledge and individual knowledge
The philosophy of Stanisław Brzozowski
Witold MackiewiczAleksandra Rodzińska
Ontological and theological Perfection
Vol. 8/1
The foundations of the person-centered approach
Carl Rogers
The rehabilitation of the unconiscious in the Soviet union
Léon Chertok
On life's being valuable
Vol. 8/2
James Griffin
Dialectics of psychology aind sociology in the social thought of Edward Abramowski
The rationality of human technological activity
Vol. 8/3
Lech W. ZacherEmma Harris
John Paul II's philosophy of peace
The contextual meaning of "meaning"
An outline of professor Władysław Tatarkiewicz's philosophical works
Izydora Dąmbska
Suffering and the meaning of history
Man, God and office
Transformation of the aesthetically valent text into an historically significant context
Some prognostic difficulties for utilitarian social planning
Understanding works of art
Petra Von Morstein
On some meanings of the words "sense", "to mean", and "meaning"
Jerzy Pelc Piotr Sadowski
Variations on the nature of democracy and human rights
George H. Hampsch
The meaning of life and the meaning of history in some contemporary cultures
Marxism, democracy, and the meaning of life
Tatarkiewicz — the humanist
Jerzy Pelc
The meaning of life in the African social context
R. J. Njoroge
Theatre as phenomenology
Human nature and the concept of basic needs
Attila Ágh
The realness of a personal meaning of history
Czesław S. BartnikNorbert M. Karava
Unity in diversity
Sebastian A. Matczak
The presence of the philosopher
A throb of creation and the making of meaning
Darrel E. Christensen
Meaning and knowledge
Quality, quantity, and everyday experience in survey research
Pablo Sudrez
The meaning of history in August Cieszkowski
Marek N. JakubowskiTomasz Przestępski
Regarding the datum quaestionis of the question
Adam SynowieckiStefan Piekarczyk
To comprehend the crisis
Mariusz Gulczyński
My version of the Christian vision of sense
Andrzej Grzegorczyk
The scientific and pedagogic activities of professor Władysław Tatarkiewicz
Karol Estreicher
Social and national conditions of meaningful life
Norbert MichtaRegina Żarczyńska-Rowińska
Belonging or being alone
Leszek Kolakowski's misinterpretation of Marxism (II)
Wacław MejbaumAleksandra ŻukrowskaJan Rudzki
Marek Fritzhand. Marksizm, gumanizm, moral (Marxism, humanism and morality)
Barbara JedynakStanisław Jedynak
Sense as value
Marian Przełęcki Piotr Sadowski
In memory of professor Władysław Tatarkiewicz
Nature, culture, metaphysics
Regina Żarczyńska-Rowińska
Rational society and the Polish experience
Andrzej KaniowskiJadwiga Maszewska
Commonsense philosophy
Antonina KłoskowskaTomasz Przestępski
The meanings of lives
Berel Lang
Czesław Dejnarowicz, Literatura naukowa — uczeni — wydawcy (scientific literature — scientists — publishers)
The desired society and a reorientation of social cognition
Counteractivity as a component of human activity
The meaning of history
Adam Schaff Olgierd Wojtasiewicz
Recognition — reality — meaning
Conference on "the meaning of life — the meaning of history" at wansaw univerisity
Włodzimierz Skubis
On perfection