
Future Paths of Phenomenology

1st OPHEN Summer Meeting

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Psychiatry as medicine

contemporary psychotherapies

Yehuda FriedJoseph Agassi


PREFACE This volume is a sequel to yet independent of our Paranoia: A Study in Diagnosis, Reidel, Dordrecht and Boston, 1976. Whereas our first book centered on diagnosis, this centers on treatment. In our first volume, all discussions of nosology (theory of illness) and of treatment was ancillary to our discussion of diagnosis; similarly all discussion of this volume dealing with nosology - there is very little on diagnosis here - is ancillary to our discussion of psychotherapy. It is still our profoundest conviction that to speak of treatment without diagnosis is meaningless, if not irresponsible, since otherwise one does not know what one is talking about. Hence, our present study, though it centers on theories of treatment, links psychotherapy with psychopathology. It is the rationale of psychotherapy which is of importance, and the rationale dwells in this link. We wish our present study to be self-contained and understood by readers who are not familiar with our first book - or with any specific literature. Our discussion of medicine in general, meaning the rationale of therapy in general, helps the uninitiated reader, as well as the initiated, we hope: it certainly has helped us. We did not see how else can we study a branch of medicine; we felt the need for some idea of how medicine is supposed to work.

Details | Table of Contents

Publication details

Publisher: Springer

Place: Dordrecht

Year: 1983

Pages: 192

ISBN (hardback): 978-94-009-6865-3

ISBN (digital): 978-94-009-6863-9

Full citation:

Fried Yehuda, Agassi Joseph (1983) Psychiatry as medicine: contemporary psychotherapies. Dordrecht, Springer.