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Guelfo Carbone
University of Rome 3
Guelfo Carbone holds a PhD in Philosophy and History of Philosophy (Sapienza, University of Rome) and he has been Adjunct Professor of Philosophy of Religions at the University of Roma Tre (Rome, Italy). His research focuses on Phenomenology, Ethics and Philosophy of Technology. He is member of the editorial board of the philosophical Journal “Pólemos. Materials of philosophy and social criticism”, and of the transdisciplinary Journal “Postfactum.”
Metodo 10/2
Husserl's language of neutrality
Horizon Studies in Phenomenology 11/2
"Il faut défendre la subjectivité"
Thesis 10/1
Der Hirt des Seins und die ursprüngliche Ethik
in: "... wo aber Gefahr ist ...", Freiburg-München : Alber
Filosofia e tecnologie digitali
Teoria 41/2
Quaderni di Inschibboleth 15/1