Repository | Serials | Journal | Volumes
1083-9194 (online)
Field notes
Vol. 1/2
Elizabeth Behnke
Phenomenological approaches to landscape, place and design
Vol. 1/3
Patrick Condon
Toward a phenomenology of architectural form
David Seamon
Recollections of the house on California road
Anne Vittoria
Thomas Thiis-Evensen's archetpyes in architecture
E. casey, the fate of place
Vol. 10/2
Steven Bindeman
The locus of compossibility
Carol H Cantrell
P. Bosselmann, representation of places
Vol. 10/1
Michael Tawn
Making community and place
Vol. 10/3
On mountain tops we are starkly soulful
Tom Jay
Y-f tuan, cosmos and hearth
Herb Childress
W. barry, another turn of the crank
C. cooper marcus, house as a mirror of self
Margaret Boschetti
Rootedness in place and being-at-home
Vol. 11/3
Ingrid Leman Stefanovic
Y-f tuan, escapism
Vol. 11/2
Michael Branch
Heidegger on dwelling
Richard Capobianco
The cutting street
Thomas Thiis-Evensen
G. coates, erik asmussen, architect
Robert Mugerauer
A bibliography for environmental and architectural phenomenology
Vol. 11/1
Editors' introduction to the new edition of dwelling, place and environment
David SeamonRobert Mugerauer
T. Thiis-Evensen, archetypes of urbanism
Free public assembly
Silent night
Vol. 12/1
Hildegard Westerkamp
The economics of generosity
Judyth Hill
The sounds of displacement
Darren Copeland
From "accoustic horizons" to "tonalities"
Justin Winkler
H. childress, landscapes of betrayal
Vol. 12/3
Louise Chawla
The architecture of community
Vol. 12/2
Michael M Kazanjian
Intentionality and the production of architectural design(s)
David WangJulie Keen
Phenomenology as a research method
Madeleine Rothe
Finding a way to rethink sustainability
Kenneth Maly
J-e. berendt, the third ear
Listening words
Joachim-Ernst Berendt
Why bicyclists hate stop signs
Vol. 13/2
Melanie CurryJoel Fajans
Fitting wind power to landscape
Gordon Brittan Jr.
The spirit of place in Les monts de Sarcelles
Vol. 13/3
Eric Malhere
No surprises
Vol. 13/1
Chris Desser
Things are not us but they are like us
Laurel Thompson
Phenomenology of elevators and escalators
Loretta Staples
C. Alexander, the phenomenon of life
Trials of a nascent phenomenologist
Micah L Issitt
The caged bird's song
Vol. 14/1
A rite of spring
Vol. 14/2
Dru Clarke
Travel drawing
Vol. 14/3
Tim White
Home in postmodern culture
Matthew D Day
Recovering bear sacredness
Leon Chartrand
Inside and outside in Wright's Fallingwater and Aalto's Villa Mairea
Enku Mulugeta Assefa
The fox and the peacock
Laura Greenspan
s. nicholsen, the love of nature and the end of the world
Academic animals
Charles Bergman
Direct action and fields of care
J. Douglas Porteous
B. hillier, space is the machine
M. Jacobson et alia, patterns of home
Vol. 15/1
Coming to place
Vol. 15/3
Bruce Janz
Adrian Stokes on carving, modeling, and stone
Vol. 15/2
Shierry Weber Nicholsen
Understanding urban place
Speaking of place
The stones
Raymond Murray Schafer
Place and topography
Jeff Malpas
Some implications of Malpas' place and experience for place ethics and education
John Cameron
"Cezanne's doubt" and the phenomenological core
David Wang
Home & journey
Wim Hurrle
A phenomenology of commuting by bicycle
Vol. 16/3
Lin Wong
"On the hither side of depth"
Rachel McCann
Intimate immensity in the preschool playroom
Vol. 16/1
Rodney Teague
Urban renewal and the destruction of African-American neighborhoods
Eva-Maria Simms
Duquesne conference on phenomenology and ecology
Vol. 16/2
Pittsburgh's "Hill District" as recollected by adults when they were ten years old
Curtis Thorpe
Place as both local and boundary-less
Marion Dumont
Environmental intangibles
Losing a sense of century
Susan Enns
Insidious design
Vol. 17/2
Kascha Semon
Memories in site
Vol. 17/1
Dylan Trigg(Phenomenological Psychopathology and Philosophy of Psychiatry, FernUniversität Hagen)
Making as a proceess of creating aliveness
Vol. 17/3
I have never seen a sound
A Goethean study of Totnes' town center
Silke Schilling
Building a dream home phenomenologically
Christopher Aanstoos
Empirical findings from the nature of order
Vol. 18/1
Christopher Alexander
Creating the interior stadium
Vol. 18/2
Scott L Deaner
Grasping the ineffable
Jenny Quillien
Everglades pilgrimage
Vol. 18/3
Christine Rhone
There was an old man in a tree
A map of phenomenology for the design disciplines
David WangSarah Wagner
Dealing with alzheimer's dementia through encountering nature
Gwendolyn Scott
Architecture and phenomenology conference
Making spiritual spaces
Marc Berghaus
Letter from far south
Vol. 19/1
Second letter from far south
Vol. 19/3
Luminous encounters on the island of tinos
Vol. 19/2
Ron Walkey
Christopher Alexander's theory of wholeness
Robert Walsh
Disclosing the depths of Heidegger's topology
Architecture live
Julio Bermudez
Reading an historical text phenomenologically
Matt Thompson
Disclosing the ontological depth of place
Edward Relph
Vistas make you think
Vol. 2/2
Mike Richardson
A lifeworld on water
Mike Lappan
Phenomenology, architecture, and the lifeworld
Vol. 2/3
Karsten Harries(Department of Music, Yale University)
Karsten Harries's natural symbols and Frank Lloyd Wright's natural houses
Yuan Lin
Notes on Bachelard's inhabited geometry
Vol. 2/1
David Denton
Toward understanding mountains existentially
Louise Million
Responsive environments
What is a good house?
Home, host, and guest
David Appelbaum
A place in the wild
Noël BennetJim WakemanMichael Mcguire
Reading a map
Jill Yesko
Thresholds and inhabitation
Vol. 20/3
Bernd Jager
The need for architecture
Thinking and building in a more originary way
Vol. 20/2
Christopher Chamberlin
The fragile phenomenology of juhani pallasmaa
Reza M Shirazi
Twenty years of EAP
Twenty-five important works in environmental & architectural phenomenology
Encountering São Paulo
Vol. 20/1
Simon Wright
Place and human being
The design substrate
David WangAmber Joplin
A pragmatic sense of place
Inhabiting intercultural history
Landscape, language, and experience
Vol. 21/1
Claiming a Greek island as a precinct sacred to the twelve gods
Vol. 21/3
Atelier Cezanne
Vol. 21/2
Victoria King
An inspiration on walnut street
Alvin Holm
Understanding wholeness
Memory: body: place
Philip B Stafford
Non-ordinary architectural phenomenologies
Husserl's coal-fired phenomenology
Dennis Skocz
Reducing our ecological footprint
A question of action: the grasstree story
Flesh and space
The stairs at Säynätsalo town hall
Vol. 22/3
Roy Malcolm Porter Jr
Perceptual/spatial unfolding
Rachel McCannLena HopschRoy Malcolm Porter Jr
Real vs. virtual dissections
Vol. 22/2
Norm Friesen(Boise State University)
The northwestern basin in the palace of Minos
Noberg-schulz's interpretation of Tadao Ando's Vitra conference center
Vol. 22/1
Painted rock
The Spanish steps
Lena Hopsch
Encounters in the field
Historic preservation, significance, and phenomenology
Jeremy C Wells
Seeing space
Paul Krafel
Discovering urban design
Vol. 23/1
Robert Fabian
On phenomenological discourse in architecture
Vol. 23/3
Between heaven and earth
Akkelies Van Nes
Whither "architectural phenomenology"?
My dad's story
Vol. 23/2
Jane Barry
The place of home
Janet Donohoe
The gifts of place
Attention, interiority, and place
The place of assistive technologies in the homes and lives of families with a child with complex healthcare needs
Bernie CarterAndrew J Moore
The state of architectural phenomenology
Benoît Jacquet
The transformative potential of paradox
Vol. 24/2
Henri Bortoft
C. Alexanders, battle for the life and beauty of the earth
Vol. 24/1
Henri Bortoft (1938-2012)
Porosity and materiality in the bathscape
Matthew Bower
Critical regionalism, Raum, and tactility
Vol. 24/3
A pattern language of pedagogical place
Perceptions of landscapes of movement
George Ananchev
A virtual conversation
Kevin J ByrneAnnie Mok
H. davis, living over the store
Nadav Bittan
Making Toronto's Yonge street great
Phenomenology, poetics, and architectural custodianship
Thomas Owen
The whole: counterfeit and authentic
Vol. 25/3
Topologies of illumination
In celebration of a conversation of pathways
Points of view & objectivity
Yi-Fu Tuan
Place, philosophy, and non-philosophy
Phenomenology, philosophy, and praxis
Rethinking dwelling
Vol. 25/1
Evolving conceptions of environmental phenomenology
Bryan E Bannon(Merimack College)
Going deep in place
Lichens and the cry of the earth
Stephen Wood
Human being as placed being
Fire in the water
Vol. 25/2
It's about people
Favorite places
Place making, phenomenology, and lived sustainability
Traveling, inhabiting, and experiencing
Lena HopschRachel McCannMarco Cesario
Can there be a phenomenology of nature?
Social space an daily commuting
Wonder valley
Jacob Sowers
The phenomenology of betweenness
Mark Riegner
Considering the relationship between phenomenology and science
Viewing two sides
Sue Michael
Giving space to thoughts on place
Varieties of phenomenological description
Reflections on the man lying in the highway
The world experienced through a stroller
Tomonobu Imamichi
Navigating by the light
A phenomenology with the natural world
Tim Ingold
The phenomenology of visualizing atmosphere
Vol. 26/2
Malte Wagenfeld
"Meeting the eye"
Vol. 26/3
Place as gathering
Giorgi Tavadze
V. mehta, the street
Vol. 26/1
Claudia Mausner
Locus of meaning and memory
Randy M Sovich
If dwell is a verb, "chair" is "to sit"
Jeffrey Ediger
Building home together
A. janson, f. tigges, fundamental concepts of architecture
Reinventing the screened porch
Vol. 27/1
Gary J Coates
Wordless walkabouts on a Chinese campus
Moving: remaking a lifeworld
A deepening intersubjectivity
Vol. 27/2
C. tilley, interpreting landscapes
John Billingsley
Moving and ongoing place processes
The imprint of place
Mourning Zaha Hadid
Tarek Wagih
Moving a boulder
Several thematic aspects of eap
A new system of thought on the city
The labyrinth
Vol. 28/1
Robert Barzan
A. pérez-gómez, attunement
Walking architecture
Lena HopschUlf Cronquist
Landscape enters the home
Human and nonhuman lifeworlds
Vol. 3/2
Ralph R Acampora
New world architecture
Vol. 3/1
Places for the soul
Vol. 3/3
Ashima Kenkre
Lyle Hornbaker
A normative environmental ethics and Christopher Alexander's work as an example
Joseph A Grange
R. oldenburg, the great good place
Catherine Alington
A deceptive neighborhood
The mutual impenetrability of world discourse
Places, postmodern landscapes, and heterotopia
P. krapfel, shifting
P. M. rosenau, post-modernism and the social sciences
P. cloke et alia, approaching human geography
Sustainability, dwelling, and wholeness
Ethics out of place
Anthony Weston
R. mugerauer, post-modern planning theory
Graduate theses and phenomenology
Do not ask me to explain
H. whone, church monastery cathedral
Vol. 4/1
The life of the place
Vol. 4/2
Culture is a mortal nest
Vol. 4/3
Mircea Eliade
G. pocius, a place to belong
Life on earth
Experiencing place in nature and in architecture
J Bruce May
E. Jones, reading the book of nature
Edwin Jones
The madness of cities
Theodore Roszak
Spiritual dwelling and environmental ethics
Jeffrey Wattles
B. lane, landscapes of the sacred
The body in the house
Vol. 5/3
Harvey E Sherman
What is a window?
Michel Lincourt
J. holan, norwegian wood
Vol. 5/1
O. Alexandersson, living water
Vol. 5/2
C. day, places of the soul
Is place a journey?
Murray Silverstein
Sense of place on the high plains
Cary De Wit
"It was home"
A. wilson, the culture of nature
Y-f tuan, passing strange and wonderful
Listening through the door
J. bockemuhl, toward a phenomenology of the etheric world
Creating the sacred from the ordinary
Vol. 6/3
Carolyn V Prorok
Reaching home
Vol. 6/2
I. king, Christopher Alexander and contemporary architecture
Vol. 6/1
M. silverStein, mind and the world
C. Alexander, a foreshadowing of 21st century art
Buildings, housholders, and reconfiguring life
Alfred Bay
D. paterson, design, language, and the preposition
J. Jacobs, the death and life of great American cities
L. chawla, in the first country of places
Christopher Cokinos
P. murrain, urban expansion
D. sucher, city comforts
J. H. kunstler, the geography of nowhere
M. buess, getting to know the landscape
P. freund & G. Martin, the ecology of the automobile
E. casey, getting back into place
A singular impact
Vol. 7/3
Place and placelessness
Douglas D Paterson
W. tetsuro, climate and culture
Vol. 7/1
W. brenneman jr. & M. brenneman, crossing the circle at the holy wells of ireland
Vol. 7/2
Design for nondualistic experiences
Eric Angell
Again Alexandria
The placeless, neighborless realm
A world of many places
T. schwenk, sensitive chaos
Nigel Hoffmann
Restoring the waters
Barbara Schaffer
Reflections on place and placelessness
H. jarviluoma, soundscapes
Douglas Pocock
M. greenberg, the poetics of cities
Seeing familiar things in new ways
H. hertzBerger, lessons for students in architecture
M. southworth & e. ben-Joseph, streets and the shaping of towns and cities
Vol. 8/2
S. Sanders, staying put
Vol. 8/3
Place, land, and meaning
Vol. 8/1
Tammeron Francis
A telephone table
Eileen Tumlin
Home in the postmodern world
R. mugerauer, interpretations on behalf of place
Child's table
Christopher Gutsche
Making a red chest
Fear and darkness, or the seduction of the cellar
David Woolf
Illness and the way of the body
S Kay Toombs
Recounting a routine experience
This england
David J Russo
At the end
Process, design and making
Hajo Neis
D. wann, deep design
H. Bortoft, The wholeness of nature
Vol. 9/1
Songs of the sacred
Vol. 9/3
Ian Lambert
Introduction: the active eye in architecture
R. kaplan, S. kaplan & R. ryan, with people in mind
Goethean science
Thinking again about gophers
Vol. 9/2
s. brand, how buildings learn
Balance of nature
The active eye in architecture
George Trevelyan
Some notes on the experience of being a teleworker
Thomas Erickson
M. Colquhoun & A. Ewald, New eyes for plants
A radically protective politics of place
Donald Snow
J. steele, architecture for people
Ganapathy Nagasubramaniam